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In Isolation

Day 52 of Isolation Lockdown. I am three books in. Theres so much time on my hands, despite all the chores and odd jobs that need doing around the house/farm, I am still making the time to read. One thing I know that I cannot have enough of is books. I can't stand reading off a screen, not when it comes to reading a novel especially. I like a chunky book in hand, pages to turn, the smell books have. One day libraries will be gone, everything will only be accessible online. This needs to change. Because if it doesn't, I think we'll regret it and the earth will pay the price. We can't pretend to see whats happening out there right now, during this difficult time. Dolphins have been seen swimming through the canals of Venice, ducks in the Trevi Fountain in Rome, the Himalayas has come into view for the first time in 30 years in Northern India due to the lockdown leading to a drop in air pollution. SO, our actions very much do have an impact on the world we live in and Mother Nature will do whatever she can to take back what she can. The beauty of books is they can be passed around. Shared. If I have particularly enjoyed a book I love nothing more then to encourage others to give it a go.

My new years resolution for this year was to achieve 'a year of nothing new'. I mean, I can't really remember what the last thing was that I bought from a high street shop. I always shop in the charity shops and the local carboot. However, it is easy to sometimes just buy something offline or pop into town to grab that cheap something from Primark. So, I decided to cut all ties with fast fashion. Should be easy really. Apart from when I spend weekends with the girls in london, going for brunch and popping into a few shops - for them to browse, finding myself sat on the nearest available perch, edge of a low table display or dash for that one seat in the middle of the room thats always right next to the bloody full length mirror, so now I get front row at peoples personal fashion parades seeing all the beautiful things they are buying thinking...''I'll just find that in a charity shop later" (insert future smug face here for when it happens). Everything on lockdown has made it harder for me to prove that I can achieve 'a year of nothing new' however, It's also making it easier to not need anything. No need for that special dress for someone's birthday party or wedding day. No need to find that all round perfect jacket for all occasions. Saying that, there are ways around it, ways to still treat  yourself but predominantly still buying second hand and pre-loved items. There are many great sites now to get your thrifting fix. Ebay, Facebook Market, Depop, Shpock, Instagram.

All I have bought myself during this time, considering I'm not working, as I can't work from home. Are simply a few books, a pair of much needed joggers and a milk frother for my coffees. I am self employed too so I haven't (yet) got help from the government. I certainly won't be spending money I don't have or over indulging, but the odd little treat here and there is ok. That's what your "rainy day" money is for right?

Currently, with my instagram and this blog, I am very much reading about sustainability, recycling and any other similar things to keep myself motivated or learn new tricks and tips.

First I started with 'Minimal: How to simplify your life and live sustainably' by Madeleine Olivia. I found this second hand on eBay for £8. I actually read about it in a magazine and added it to my own list of books to hunt down in the charity shops. Unfortunately I couldn't find it after a month or so of searching which is when I did resort to eBay. I loved her style of writing, her own recipes for not only food but health and beauty was really useful and gave me inspiration to try some. The hair refresh spray was lovely! I waited for a room spray I have to finish before cleaning that out and recycling that into the container for my hair spray. Rather than buying a bottle online, this way I have recycled, reused and reduced waste in landfill (insert pat on the back emoji here).

Second book I purchased, also second hand off eBay (by this point it was 2/3 weeks into lockdown and I had finished my first book, the option of hunting it down in the charity shops or local carboot were non-existent).  Another £8 bargain buy, 'The Insecure Girls Handbook' by Olivia Pervis. I really enjoyed this, its different to what I normally read, but whilst reading it I felt she was talking to me directly and sometimes felt like we'd been friends for ages and were just having a chat. A lot of what she spoke about really resonated with me, especially the part about your inner critic. We're all guilty of it, we just aren't aware others are too. After reading this book and seeing all the statements from other women, I saw that I am very much not alone in many of the self-doubting thoughts I carry. It's definitely a good book to add to your book shelf.

Third book I received in the post today from my Mumma. Another book on sustainability and cutting out fast fashion. Something I saw on instagram and then did a bit of research. 'How to break up with Fast Fashion' by Lauren Bravo. Im already one chapter in and love her style of writing. She writes as she speaks if that makes any sense. I feel like I am very much on her level. However, I have only just started this book so I can't write a full review of it yet...but so far so good!

My next book, I have lined up is 'The year of less' by Cait Flanders. Something I actually found when looking for Madeleine Olivia's book on eBay. A list of similar items always appears at the bottom of the page and this book appeared. So I had a quick google search and did some research. It sounds funny and again, another book that resonates with me right now. I added it to my watch list only to later purchase it for a bargain of £5 after selling a shirt of my own. When I do it like this it kind of feels like an item swap rather than an expense.

Anyway, I hope this list of books gives at least someone some inspiration. Even some motivation to read during this time of isolation. Being in Holistic Beauty Therapy, I sadly won't be going back to work until July the earliest, depending how everything goes, could be August. So I may get through a few more books yet!

Stay safe all!


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