Here I have some beautiful cups and saucers. All Bone China. Further pictures shall be posted, however I am awaiting to hold a tea party to full fill the look. Along with my wonderful sandwich plates too, of which I only have two so far. They are squared shape and I aim to complete a set for my tea party. These style of cups and saucers shall always remind me of the more glamourous style to the mad hatters tea party in Alice in Wonderland. Amongst this little pile are two sandwich plates, 4 saucers and 3 cups. All of which came to the grand total of £13. I like to have odd items, having a set of 8 cups and saucers all matching seems boring to me even considering a unique pattern and colour that may make them stand out from your normal white china mugs. I bought the cups and saucers from a vintage stool at Lounge on the Farm music festival in Canterbury this summer. The sandwich plates came from a second hand shop in Hythe in this lovely little bricker bracker shop where I find myself prowling around most weekends.
Having mentioned the LBD (the little black dress) last post, I began to think about it probably a little too much. Soon after, I started to rummage through my wardrobe-the one that looks sneezed on, to find my little numbers. I didn't realise how many I actually had. Four of my black dresses are not little but long and the other six are lovely little dresses all with a unique style and some with a bit of glitz. I decided to have my own little photo shoot like you see in the glamour magazines' and may have got a bit carried away. First in line of my LBD's is the one I previously mentioned, bought for £5 with short sleeves and a low back. A great example of a simple yet effective black dress. Second, is one of my favourites. I wore this dress on my 21st birthday in New York. I had previously known I was being taken to New York's most prestigious night club (The Box), so I knew I had to wear something glamorous. I searched high and low for something special but unfortunate...
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